We put our faith in an SME - we never looked back
Toby Roberts, CIO at the Royal Hospital for Neuro Disability describes his journey from a history of failed previous EPR projects to immediate success with PatientSource in just 12 weeks.

Reducing prescription errors
The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (RHN) is a national charity hospital and research centre that provides rehabilitation and long term care to people with complex neurological disabilities caused by damage to the brain or other parts of the nervous system.
Discover within the case study how using PatientSource reduced prescription errors by 83% in the first month of use.

Moving with the times
In this case study, Julia Brown, Brandon Centre CEO, outlines how they’ve moved from paper based processes to digital, with the help of their technology partner PatientSource, and transformed their mental health and sexual health services ahead of expanding its support across London and beyond.