Recalls Module
The recalls module enables the client to schedule future required care for patients.
The functionality allows users to add reviews to the patient record and to view due and overdue reviews. The module also allows for letters to be sent for those patients who are due a recall and the system can automatically set
a recall to complete, when appropriate action has taken place, for example; an appointment has been made or a test has been ordered.
Benefits and Key Feature
Create patient registers from complex searches by age, gender, diagnosis, test result and more
Schedule future tests, appointments and assessments for patients on each register
View all recalls for all patients in one page with filtering options for due and over due reviews
Send letters in bulk for patients due a recall test, appointment or assessment
Search for patients who have not responded to a recall and send them a further letter or remove them from a register
Automatic marking “done” of recalls when an appointment has been attended or a test result has been announced
Example usage: diabetic annual reviews, patients due smear test
The functionality allows users to add reviews to the patient record and to view due and overdue reviews.”
Why switch to PatientSource?
Save time - An estimated 15% of clinical staff time is wasted looking for and handling paper notes
Save money - over £4,800,000-worth of staff time wasted at an average-sized NHS trust per annum. PatientSource is built on modern, battle-hardened Open Source components. No hidden licence fees.
Intelligent AI - PatientSource is powered by Artificial Intelligence to assist diagnosis, detect deterioration and forecast resource usage.
Cloud based - Massively reliable, automatically backed up. Never worry about running the infrastructure.
Interoperable - PatientSource can link with your legacy systems to provide a seamless interoperability ecosystem.
“Because our solution is modular and cloud based, we provide the flexibility to fit straight in to your clinic or hospital either as a departmental system or a greenfield solution that replaces your paper based processes.