Billing Module

The Billing module converts clinical activity into invoices. NHS, insurance provided and Self Pay (out of pocket) schemes are supported.

Clinical activity can be converted into invoices using different paradigms depending on the type of episode of care. Fully itemised billing with per-item pricing is supported and is ideal for out- of-pocket paying patients. Charge-code billing for tests and procedures can be configured for insurance based and state funded healthcare, with support for common clinical coding systems such as CCSD, ICD10, SNOMED-CT and OPCS4. Different prices and different charge codes can be set for different insurance policies. Varying tax rates are also supported.

Benefits and Key Feature   

  • Itemised billing for appointments, overnight stays, tests conducted,

  • procedures performed and medication received,

  • Multiple billing paradigms available: fully itemised,

  • charge code based, and diagnosis + procedure based all available

  • Patient and family billing accounts

  • Customisable pricing and variable pricing based on insurance policy

  • Raise interim and final invoices

  • Tax / VAT supported

  • Vouchers & care allowances

  • Membership plans & subscriptions

Illustration of a hand holding currency symbols for dollar, euro, and yen.
An estimated 15% of clinical staff time is wasted looking for and handling paper notes
Invoice table displaying account information, balance, and detailed invoice entries with references, dates, items, amounts, and payment statuses. Account owner details and total balance are also shown.

Why switch to PatientSource?

Save time - An estimated 15% of clinical staff time is wasted looking for and handling paper notes

Save money - over £4,800,000-worth of staff time wasted at an average-sized NHS trust per annum. PatientSource is built on modern, battle-hardened Open Source components. No hidden licence fees.

Intelligent AI - PatientSource is powered by Artificial Intelligence to assist diagnosis, detect deterioration and forecast resource usage.

Cloud based - Massively reliable, automatically backed up. Never worry about running the infrastructure.

Interoperable - PatientSource can link with your legacy systems to provide a seamless interoperability ecosystem.


Because our solution is modular and cloud based, we provide the flexibility to fit straight in to your clinic or hospital either as a departmental system or a greenfield solution that replaces your paper based processes.